"In which ways does the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us align or misalign? Nara Rosetto (BR), Eitan Ritz (AU), Silvia Gentili (IT), and maeshelle west-davies (US/UK/DE) addressed this question during their performances at Closeness.
According to French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the ‘body’ is a main agent of perception. At the same time, it is the target one perceives. Here, the issue of perception is important. Humans exist when they discover each other in the world. Others and self recognize each other and converge in this awareness. If we observe this from a phenomenological aspect, the ‘body’ is the place where ‘meaning’ is revealed.
The event CLOSENESS was part of blauverschiebung No.14 – International Performance Festival Leipzig at Galerie KUB and showcased livestream performances by PILOTENKUECHE’s online residents and a durational performance by Maeshelle West-Davies. "
Written by Jisoo Seo
You can read entire piece here: