Political Bodies
L’arTe è parTe di Te
February 10th - February 17th 2019
Galleria Cavour, Padua, Italy
Private View 9th February from 5pm
Political Bodies, promoted by the Arts and Culture Department of the city of Padua and supported by CIDP (Italian Centre of Personality Disorders), presents 10 emerging artists who, through photography, sculpture, video, and performance, have placed the human body central into their practice, either as a physical entity or as a metaphor. The body is hidden, wounded, isolated, and vulnerable. It is a space to explore contemporary themes such as identity and representation, sexuality and gender, society and media.
The invited artists come from different countries and cultures, but they are united by the use of the body as subject and medium; creating a universal language able to give voice to inner and personal worlds as well as to raise questions on social and political issues.
Artists included in the show are Jocelyn Allen, Mariana Bisti, Blør, Diego Brambilla, Silvia Gentili, Dionysis Livanis, Yole Quintero, Christopher Schulz, Paloma Tendero, and Emese Wu.
The issues addressed in the exhibition will be discussed in talks with the artists and Italian and international figures of psychoanalysis, philosophy, and art.